Shared Shipments

We encourage customers to get together and ship numerous pairs of shoes to us at once. Doing this offers a significant shipping cost savings and is more eco-friendly than shipping pairs individually.

Putting together a shared shipment at your local gym is a great way to meet new climbers and save money.

How It Works

Customers pack numerous shoes into a box and ship it to us. Each customer is invoiced only for their own shoes, and their share of the return shipping fee (if there is one). We ship all of the finished shoes back to the same address (provided by the shipment leader, see below); the leader can then hand off the resoled shoes to their owners.

Each shared shipment needs a leader. This person will gather all the shoes, package them, and ship them to us.

How to Submit a Shared Shipment

Shipping Rates

All rates are Canada-wide

5 to 9 pairs
$20 per shipment flat-rate return shipping.
You’re responsible for getting the shoes to us.

10+ eligible* pairs
Option 1 — Free Return Shipping. Just get your shoes to us.
Option 2 — $25 round trip shipping. We supply a shipping label to get the shoes to us, as well as ship them back to you. Contact us after submitting a resole request to receive your shipping label.

The Fine Print

By adding your shoes to a shared shipment you agree to our terms.

If any member of your shared shipment has not submitted a resole request and paid their invoice in a timely manner, the whole shipment could be delayed. If we are unable to obtain a response or payment from a member of a shared shipment, additional charges will apply for that member. We may choose to sever that member from the return shipment in order to return shoes to responsive customers in a timely manner. This will result in additional charges for the unresponsive customer: standard return shipping rates, in addition to their share of the bulk shipment shipping cost.

Do not add your shoes to a shared shipment unless you trust the leader to get your shoes back to you. We are responsible for getting the finished shoes back to the shipment leader; the shipment leader is responsible for distributing the shoes thereafter.

* Pair eligibility is based on our resole criteria. Shoes that are, at our discretion, clearly (by visual inspection) too worn or damaged to be repaired at our quality standard are ineligible. Ineligible pairs will not count toward your total, and therefore may result in a change to or loss of shared shipping discounts. Send photos if you’re unsure.